Once we hit our mid or late twenties, aging starts to creep up on us slowly. Visible signs usually appear in our late thirties or early forties. As we continue aging, these changes become...
05 Oct
04 Oct
Are you looking to rejuvenate your skin? What you need is a facelift procedure. This procedure requires the surgeon to remove extra facial skin around the jaw. People with droopy skin fall among those...
04 Oct
When folds of skin around the vagina become uncomfortable, it requires corrective cosmetic surgery. Labiaplasty helps to reshape the labia minora. This enhances comfort as you go about daily chores. Some of the reasons that...
04 Oct
After cancer treatment, patients are likely to have scars, deformities, or defects. Therefore, surgeons perform reconstructive surgery to repair, reconstruct and restore these physical defects. Breast reconstruction comprises several operations to achieve the best...