After pregnancy or breastfeeding, women tend to seek a cosmetic solution to counter its effects on their skin. A mommy makeover comprises several plastic surgery techniques used to deal with the lingering effects after pregnancy. These customized body contouring procedures target the specific needs of the patients.
A mommy makeover usually starts with an abdomen and breast contouring before other elements are needed. This means that the breast and abdomen initiate the procedure as the primary areas of change.
Components of a Mommy Makeover
A mommy makeover usually centers around the breast and abdomen procedure. Breastfeeding and pregnancy usually result in enlargement of specific areas such as the abdomen and breast region. As the skin returns to normal, most women experience a significant loss of volume in these regions.
Due to the body changes during pregnancy, the skin, abdomen, and tissues stretch to accommodate the baby. Unfortunately, after birth, the layers of skin do not quickly get back to the previous taut. Some standard body contouring procedures that make up a mommy makeover include breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction, and circumferential abdominoplasty.
In some cases, one procedure also incorporates breast implant placement to restore the lost volume. However, most experts recommend breast augmentation due to its enhanced safety and effectiveness. For women with large, disproportional, uncomfortable breasts, a breast reduction surgery helps create a smaller and ideal appearance.
Since a mommy makeover comprises a combination of procedures, some commonly added procedures include thigh lift, butt lift, and arm lift. Depending on the methods recommended for your mommy makeover, determine the time it takes for the surgeon to perform the procedure.
After undergoing pregnancy, we can help to get your body back to pre-pregnancy shape. Before considering a mommy makeover, consult an expert to learn the procedures best suited for you.
At Signature & Reconstructive Surgery, we aim to help you get back your shape after having a child. So contact us today and schedule an appointment with a team of experts.