RF Microneedling with MeliaRF

Discover the transformative power of MeliaRF, the ideal solution for anyone seeking to rejuvenate their appearance. Whether you are dealing with facial wrinkles, scarring, uneven skin tone, or need tightening and lifting along the jawline, RF Microneedling offers a tailored approach to enhance your natural beauty with minimal down time.
Benefits of MeliaRF Microneedling:
➝ Firms skin on the face or body
➝ Improves droopy skin around the eyes (eyebrow or eyelid)
➝ Improves skin texture and uneven skin tone
➝ Improves skin laxity and tightens sagging skin
➝ Diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
➝ Reduces the appearance of stretch marks
➝ Reduces the appearance of scars (acne or injury related)
➝ Minimizes the size of pores and/or acne scarring
➝ Increase the effectiveness of topical skin products
We are the FIRST and ONLY location in North Carolina to have this device!
Book your appointment today!
Patient Testimonial
I lost hope that there was anything that could address my aging face that would really work. I’ve had every kind of laser treatment known to man with a lot of promises, but never any significant results. I’ve had filler that was done improperly (twice!) and left me bruised for weeks. And all of these procedures were done by reputable plastic surgery groups or dermatology offices.
I gave up a while ago thinking it must be something about me – that maybe I was just beyond fixable and nothing would really help. I was told about this practice by someone I trust and they highly recommended Dr. Melissa Marks. The RF Microneedling smoothed my skin. The Fillers and Botox? I look AMAZING. And for me to say that about myself after hating my looks for so long is indescribable. This definitely increased my stock value in the looks department ;).
I am so happy I finally found a practice that not only delivered results, but exceeded my expectations. Thank you to the incredible, professional, and kind staff and to Dr. Melissa Marks for giving me the gift of feeling confident and attractive again.