Facial Resurfacing (Erbium laser 2940nm): is the ideal laser treatment if you are looking for a dramatic improvement in your skins appearance with minimal down time. Offering the newest technology available in Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Melissa Marks employs the Erbium laser. This is an ablative laser that is used to improve mild to moderate fine lines and wrinkles as well as surface pigmentation and texture abnormalities on the face, hands, neck, and chest.
Schedule your consultation today.

Vascular Reduction (Long Pulsed Yag laser (1064nm)): This laser wavelength is used to target small blood vessels often referred to as “Spider Veins” (telangectasias) and red moles known as cherry angiomas. The laser energy targets and heats the blood vessels causing them to seal which results in improvement of the vascular appearance.
Schedule your consultation today.

Non-Ablative Photofacial: Using IPL (intense pulsed light) the laser targets brown spots caused by sun damaged and aged skin. The targeted area, often the forehead and face will lead to reduction in the pigmented appearance and smoothing of skin color. IPL can be used to target sun damage or age related spots in other regions as well.
Schedule your consultation today.

Non-Ablative vascular reduction facial laser: IPL (intense pulsed light) is used to reduce vascular and ruddy appearance of skin. By targeting the superficial layers of the dermis, vascular reduction can decrease the small blood vessels known as capillaries as the skin surface that give the “Red” appearance some people experience. This treatment is ideal for patients with rosacea.
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Non-Ablative Acne Reduction: IPL (intense pulsed light) is used to target the dermis causing thermal injury and which can reduce inflammation and target the bacteria commonly found in acne.
Schedule your consultation today.

Laser Hair Removal (810nm Diode laser): Targets the hair follicle over a series of treatments to decrease or eliminate hair growth in unwanted locations.
Schedule your consultation today.

Melasma Treatment (Q-switch Yag laser (1064nm)): Targets persistent melasma, commonly referred to as “the mask of pregnancy”. This laser treatment breaks down the pigment into smaller particles which allows your body to remove the pigment naturally.
Schedule your consultation today.

Tattoo Removal (Q-switch Yag/KTP (1064nm/532nm)): This laser is used for removal of tattoos. Multiple sessions are typically required and the number of sessions varies with each tattoo. This laser targets the tattoo pigment and breaks it up into smaller particles allowing your body to remove the pigment naturally.
* Multiple treatments may be required for optimum results
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